Meet the committee- Hannah

How long have you been a member of show choir? 
This is my third year

Favourite song we’ve ever performed? 
Bridge over Troubled Water or Something Inside so Strong

Best memory from your time at show choir
The whole competition experience! All the rehearsals, the actual day, performing with everyone and of course the after party

When and why did you start to sing? 
I did a solo at school when I was about eleven and just carried on singing from there really, joined my school choir and then started having singing lessons

Musical guilty pleasure: 
Anything from Glee

If you could choose a song for us to perform, what would it be? 
I would love to do something from Wicked

Glee or Pitch Perfect? 

What’s your favourite musical? 
Billy Elliot or Cats

Your top tip for freshers: 
Try out lots of societies as it gives you a chance to make so many new friends and do something you might not have tried before, and beware of freshers flu!

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